The Up North Combine is an amalgamation of pigeon racing clubs and federations founded in 1905. Headquarters are located in Greatham, Hartlepool, and the radius of serving federations go from Loftus (south) to Berwick (north). The combine is governed by the North of England Homing Union.
Contents |
Secretary: Mrs P. Grange
Convoyer: Mr S. Profitt
Border Federation
Chester-le-Street Federation
Coquetdale Federation
East Celeveland Federation
Gateshead Federation
Hartlepool Federation
Hetton Federation
Houghton Federation
Mid Tyne Federation
Newcastle West Federation
North East Counties Federation
North Yorkshire Federation
Northumberland Premier Federation
Shotton Federation
South East Durham Federation
South Shields Federation
Sunderland & District Federation
Sunderland Premier Federation
Teesside Federation
Tees Valley Federation
Trimdon & District Federation
Tynemouth Federation
Wansbeck Federation
As of 2005 the Up North combine had:
23 Federations affiliated
146 clubs affiliated
2161 members